
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie當然是男的俊女的美,但是其實我對一些鏡頭有點意見。


Didn't wanna see the movie at all. In fact, I'm already tired of those
movies talking about the end of the world or the aliens, you know, i think
these things are kinda out of date. But my mom insisted on watching Tom Cruise,
so i just gave in.

Now great, the only element that attracted me was Dakota Fanning, but now
that she's not a little girl anymore, the "cute" image faded away. Well,
her acting's still brilliant, but it wasn't enough for me to forget how bad
and boring this movie was.

Tom Cruise was alright, but no more than "not bad", i mean, he sure was "great"
at some moment,(say, the scene that he was scared to death and began to panic) but
most of the time, his performance wasn't impressive.

And don't mention the awful ending. Why does Steven Spielberg always ruin a movie
by giving it a weak ending?

Very short, very very short. About only 80 minutes. Quite funny, but didn't
meet my expectation. And most of the interesting scenes have been in the
trailers. Don't mean that the movie's not fine, but frankly speaking, the plot
is really, really, weak. There's barely anything beside the trailer!! So it's
a fun movie, but don't expect too much!

The animation's definitely amazing, we can see that from Alex's hair.(XD)
And I really have to admit that the lines are so hilarious that i couldn't
help bursting out laughing in the cinema.
Though the characters are all animals, they're all personified and act like
human, i mean, Alex even forgets that being a lion, he should walk with four
legs! hahaha!!

And most of all, the dub was truly awesome. Though Ben Stiller sometimes makes
weird movies, I like his voice. And Chris Rock, who would never be forgotten
after the stunning performance on Oscar, has also done a good job. Well, his
voice sounds a bit like hoarse, you know. (XD) Then David schwimmer, just
listen to Melman!! Who would belive that's a giraffe? It's undoubtedly Ross!!!

前陣子在電視上看的。我個人很喜歡Jude Law和Rachel Weisz,而且也很佩服Ed Harris的演技,
和Saving Private Ryan真的讓我印象很深,感覺很震撼。特別是這部「大敵當前」。


就人性而言,Commisar Danilov看著心愛的女人投身兄弟的懷抱,

就愛情而言,Jude Law和Rachel Weisz的角色相互吸引。他們是沒有明天的一對戀人,而在戰火中
滋生的愛情,是不論長久與否的,只有眼前的濃烈。Rachel Weisz就是明瞭這點,所以才會半夜到
Jude Law的睡榻獻身吧。記得前兩年,章子怡好像也演一部戰爭片,講到片尾和男主角「打野戰」(XD),
大意,我不會背人家的名言錦句啦)。我想Jude Law and Rache Weisz就是這樣吧,與其說那是愛情

就戰爭而言,當然觀眾難免會同情Jude Law代表的俄國,而敵視Ed Harris的德國。好歹歷史上大家
不過看著這部片,我不認為我會敵視Ed Harris,事實上,我還蠻能identify他的處境。


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